Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy New Year

Happy new year everyone. This year has been multi-faceted for sure.
We are looking forward to the new adventures in 2008.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

My little epicurean

I am sitting in the playroom watching my kiddo play with his new kitchen. He is currently microwaving an orange celebrating that there is nothing in his fridge or dishwasher. He really likes to open and close the doors.

We went to the daycare center today for an hour. My plan is to go for an hour or so a couple of times a week until he starts full time on January 7th. I don't know if its good or bad, but its what is making me less crazy. It is weird seeing him as a kid among kids..he is so special to me and in that environment, he's just another little kid.

Our christmas day was very mellow, went to my moms. My sweet hubby fixed us all breakfast and then we opened presents. Jonas got some puzzles but the big daddy was this cool kitchen thing with all the fixins. He just loves it.

I think I am going to let myself off the hook about this blogging thing. When I don't keep up with it it bothers me. I can't imagine with school starting that I will be able to make it a priority. I will upload the latest batch of pictures before the weekend is over...then I may take a sabbatical from it. We'll see.

Hope your holidays were relaxing and without too much family drama!


Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Bye Byeee

Ok, so I never uploaded the zoo pictures. I will get to that by the end of the week. Just finished my first semester of graduate school. I can't belive that in less than a month I will be going full time plus working an my internship. Crazy!! Its going to be hard on all of us.

Today, Jonas and I went to the mall to get a photo with Santa. He did so well..wasn't afraid of him at all. Then I decided to just stop by Sears portrait studio to see what the deal was with that. Well, you know they roped me in! So.. trying to get a 20 month old to sit/stand/kneel in one place long enough to take a photo is nearly impossible. Unreal the stuff we had to do to get good pictures of him. He was totally freaked out by the massive camera suspending apparatus and then all the weird people...and why the heck is mommy making all those funny faces at me... It was torture. The photog was really funny, Jonas was really great. When he would get irritated, he would just walk out of the room and say BYE BYEEEE and wave. I would run out and round him up and we would try again. The photog said most kids just scream and cry...mine has the wherewithall to just remove himself from the negative stimuli. (I secretly felt kinda proud!)

We took several walk-around-the-mall breaks. In the end we got some pretty great shots. I'll post some after I send them out to family for the holiday. No fair for you all to see them first!

I know I owe you some pictures...give me a few days. I am going on an interview Thrusday morning for my internship. Tomorrow will be shopping for a damn outfit (sooo not looking forward to that).

Peace ya'll

Tuesday, December 4, 2007


I haven't been active on the blog in a while. It really is funny how inspiration comes in waves. I have decided to use the blog for its original bloggy intention (to write my thoughts and observations) in addition to the coveted Jonas updates and photos. I actually have some video and pics to upload...we went to the zoo this weekend, so I'll share those later.

I have some schoolwork to get done..I can't believe this is the last week of the semester. I start full time on January 7th...I am both nervous and excited about it. I have mixed feelings about leaving Jonas all day, but at the same time, I am excited about getting out and interacting with people and learning. (I am trying not to feel guilty about this).

Ok, so right now we are watching Jacks Big Music Show on Noggin. This is one of the only shows we watch because of all the cool music. Right now there are two guys playing violins to this awesome hip hoppy jam...I must figure out who they are...amazing.


Sadly, my son has succumed to some branding. (which may be an over exaggeration since he has never seen the tv show..) anywhoo.. my kid loves books about Thomas the Train. So, of course we had to get him a little toy Thomas, which he loves and pushes around and says., "choo choo" which may be the cutest thing ever.

Ok...I'm not focused enough to do this now. I have a long to do list for today. I will try to get the zoo photos up this evening.

Buh bye

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Friday after Thanksgiving marks the one year anniversary of when we met Jonas for the first time. Amazing.

Can you believe that I did not snap one freakin photograph on Turkey Day? Oh well. Nothing exciting to report. Hope you are all well.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Technical realization & Hi to Conn.

I was just looking at the blog, and did you know if you
clicked on the individual pictures, they pop up larger in a different window?
Cool! Ok, you all probably knew that already didn't you.
Something you may not known is that I have a visit counter at the bottom of the page. I can click on it and see who has visited. What's weird about it is that I have some regular visitors that I do not know. This is fun and sometimes kind of scary. (makes me think its a little wierd that strangers are looking at intimate pictures of my family. But I am pretty sure there is no identifying info except our first names. Hmmm, I think I'll go check that out.)
Anyway, I am sure most of you are friends or referrals from friends.
There is one in particular from Connecticut who visits often.
I don't know who you are, but hi!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Playdate pictures

So, we did it. We went to the playdate. It was a beautiful day, probably 74 degrees, blue skies. There were 5 other children and their parents. The kids are all too young to actually play with each other very much, but it was nice to be around people with a common bond. Jonas loved the slide and with the help of one of the other dads, he went down over and over.
Here are a few pictures.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Patience and a playdate

So, I haven't really written in a while. The new camera has been fun and I have enjoyed sharing pictures and video with everyone.

I had a revealation today in the playroom. Jonas isn't so different from me. He wants what he wants when he wants it. When he doesn't get it, he gets mad...sometimes really mad and hits me or throws something at me. I too get mad like this, but I have impulse control! This is such basic social workey stuff and I can't believe it never occured to me. He is little and has no impulse control. This changes everything in my mind. I have to be first instinct when he hits or throws is to get MAD. Sometimes I feel stupid for not predicting the behavior and being taken off guard, but mostly I just feel mad. Having the insight that he "has no impulse control" I think will allow me more patience and less of an anger response. HOWEVER, this does not preclude me from correcting this behavior in the most loving way I can manage at the time.
I think, the best way to deal is to pay close attention and deescalate the situation before he gets to throwin' punches. This is not always practical, as it requires my intense attention to every second (which is not possible, although is my unrealistic expectation). The next best way I can come up with is taking his arm/hand and say no hitting, that hurts mommy. Give mommy gentle touches...then I show him what that means. I know, I know...its not going to work... it doesn't address that he's acting out cuz he's frustrated, but it makes me feel better doing something about it. I imagine it will get better when he can speak to me.

Second issue: I am wonder woman! Seriously! Last night (Geoffrey worked at the Emergency clinic) I was on my own with Jonas. I decided I wanted to treat myself to some sushi. off we went. I managed a 19 month old, by myself, while enjoying an awesome sushi dinner. This was not our first meal out alone...but this place was quiet and kinda fancy. Here are the tricks.
1. Order his food as an appetizer... he got japanese style chicken mcnug's. Chicken tempura, sans the rice and dipping sauces. The food comes quick and you need the time for it to cool off, that stuff is lava hot. (also ask for a fork and knife, you'll need it to cut up the molten lava chicken,and it will cool off faster)
2. Get two sushi menu's. One for the boy to flail around and ultimately throw on the floor so the waitress has to come interact with your child, giving you ten seconds to pencil in your own order.
3. Squeeze out the edamame onto a plate for the boy to eat. He loves it and this gives you time to drink your yummy green tea.
4. Time to dispense the chicken, in small portions at a time. This gives you the illusion that he will not run out of food while you are eating so you think you can savor and enjoy your meal. Ultimately, you end up gobbleing it up to avoid the 19 mo old squirming while you are eating your Ikura.
5. Pay the bill as soon as they bring the waiting around after the meal is done. This presents only a small issue if you are like an american idol judge on the service before you tip..I'm a standard 20%er..from years of working in food service, so this is not an issue for me.
6. OH! Keep the warm washcloth thingy from the begining of the meal, nice to wipe off the kiddo with.

Ta Dah!
Aside from my kid saying hello to everyone in full voice, (its a quiet little restaurant with that tinkling japanese music) we were pretty inconspicuous.

Today we are "supposed" to go to a playdate. I have only been to one...I think we will make it, my social anxiety in mommy situations is really stiffling both of us. We'll see.

Ok... off to print out the recipes I'm gonna cook for Tgiving so I can write my grocery list.

Blessings to all.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Books and music

This is a good example of what our evenings look like.
Jonas really loves to listen to
his daddy play music. Gratefully, he is really loving reading books.
He hands us books(without our prompting) and
asks to get "up" to sit on our laps to read. Several times a
day he will just sit in the floor flipping through
the pages and jabbering...its so awesome!

Banjo Dancin'

I don't know who is more talented. My hubby

who plays all these instruments or my son

who can dance to any genre of music.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Well, I took down the video and pictures of Jonas in the dog crate, here's why.
I recently sent some pictures and a letter to the foster family he lived with in Guatemala.
I included the address to the blog..I got panicky thinking about them clicking on the blog and without the captions (which are in english and they don't read english) seeing this precious boy in a cage. I think that could be pretty upsetting. SO... that's that.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

We've been spotted!

Geoffrey was playing the Djembe but Jonas wouldn't dance

until he played the tray table. The look on his face when he spots the

camera is so awesome! He totally figured out I was filming him.

new puppy video

We've got a new puppy!!!

Ok, so... I sent Geoffrey off to do the bedtime diaper change and pajama time. I went into the kitchen to do something, and in comes this cute puppy. I swear..I thought the cuteness was LITERALLY going to kill me. My chest was fluttery and all I could say was...oh my goodness, oh my goodness, I had to sit down. (Then I jumped up and took some pictures. I have some video too but I'm having trouble uploading it. ) I think thats what joy..real joy must feel like.
I just love my new puppy!

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Some cute pics from yesterday

You want me to do what?
Excuse me, I have to take this call.

I fell down and falling down
is fun!

Friday, October 26, 2007

Dancing Machine

Here is my darling son dancing while his

daddy is playing the guitar. Mom and I

are there cheering him on.

(For the observant ones, yes, his shorts

are on backward. You can tell because the

pockets are in the wrong direction.

We will blame daddy!)

More pics

The elusive "mommy and me" photo op.
I had no idea how GINORMOUS my forehead is.
Good grief!
My smiling angel in his super cool jogging stroller.
No, noone here jogs but its awesome because it has a
good suspension and we can go off-road! ; )

I sure do love these guys!
And man do they love each other!!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Picture time

Giggles with his Nena!
I just think this is the sweetest picture ever.

This is where he keeps his toys at

his grandma's house. He loves this

little cabinet. He often tries to get all the way in it.

Sitting like a big boy in his chair!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Suction cups rule!

Ok, so my new favorite thing in the entire world is a bowl with a suction cup on the bottom. Wow.. I really am speechless about the wonder of this thing. It has revolutionized meals at my home.

My second favorite things is that GEOFFREY BOUGHT ME A CAMERA FOR MY BIRTHDAY!!!! It was so funny.... Jonas and I were in the playroom when G got home from work. I bought Jonas these adorable one piece pajamas... Anyway, G came in to play with us before I put Jonas to bed and all I could think I wish I could take some pictures of this. I suppose I must have said it outloud cuz G handed me his phone so I could take some pictures. I took a few and he took it from me. I asked for it back and he sort of huffed at me and got up. I was very confused...then he came back with a best buy bag and said...well, if you HAVE to take pictures!!! WOOOO HOOOO. He reminded me that under no terms will there be an additional birthday gift! I said...ok.

So.. I am charging things and learning about how to use it...sooo...there will be way more pictures on the blog soon. I am soooo excited!! Yay for me!

Good nite should go to the link to the right that says MJ&J... my friends boy took his first steps this week and they captured it on video...what a hoot!

Monday, October 22, 2007

Home four months

Yesterday Jonas was home with us for four months. Unbelieveable. Sometimes it feels like its been much longer, and others like he just got here. I am dissapointed that we don't have more pictures. I guess it makes sense that there aren't more pictures, because we don't have a camera! We have a digital camera that we keep at work. I will have to put a camera at the top of the list for stuff to save for. I think I'd like a digital SLR... gotta have a fast shutter speed to actually get pictures of this kid. I will do some investigating today online.

Generally things are going well. Jonas is really getting comfortable with us. He has begun "acting out" a little. He's testing hitting and throwing... and he has figured out how to scream at the top top top of his lungs. It must be hard to be 18 months old, that's all that I can figure. We are working it out.

Ok, that's all for now.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

paper schmaper

Ok, so I am totally supposed to be writing my midterm paper right now. I just got to thinking about how much my life has changed and I can't focus. This little guy is really all I think about now. Jonas is so great...he is unbelievably smart and funny. I am so looking forward to having a conversation with him. He jabbers constantly accompanied by facial expressions and hand gestures. He really has a lot to say...I just wish I could understand his language. Oh well..soon enough.

We have mastered the going to sleep thing...which is a HUGE relief. I used to have to sit in his room with him until he fell asleep and sneak out. Now, I put him in his crib, say goodnight, turn the lights out and shut the door. I think it means he is feeling safer here with us. I like that.

Ok... off to my paper, which I have seriously left until the last minute. (its due tommorrow at 8am.)

Oh well.

Sunday, October 7, 2007


Jonas spent the night with his Nena last night (my mom). I got up early today...Geoffrey and the dogs were still in bed and I felt like I was doing something naughty!! Reminiscent of sneaking out of the house as a teenager. I ran through the house gathering what I needed and was in the car in record time. I turned off the Raffi cd as soon as I got in the car and turned on NPR....aaahhhh. I felt my shoulders relax. I cruised with the windows down all the way to Panera. I found the perfect spot, a little table near the window that had an electrical outlet nearby. If I'm lucky, I'll be here long enough to have to plug this computer in. I ordered my coffee and egg souffle and headed back to my little oasis.

Now, I say all this not out of lack of gratitude for my newly formed family...but out of gratitude for my newly acquired freedom to do what I want to do, if only for a few hours. I have a new appreciation for moments when I can take care of myself. If I have learned anything from these three months of parenting its, I can't give away what I don't have. I cannot pour water from an empty vessel. I have to take time to "fill myself up" so that I can give to my beautiful son.

Two friends that Geoffrey and I met in Guatemala the second time we went to see Jonas, brought their son home this weekend. They are Mike, Jessica and baby Jaden. We are so thrilled for them. Jaden is 15 months old, just 2 weeks older than when we brought Jonas home. I look forward to staying in touch with them on their journey and to be a support to them. We already have a playdate for next year at Disney. Their homecoming is making me think about bringing Jonas home and all the changes we made. I can't believe that such a little person can make such a huge impact in the world. I swear to you that I am a better person. I also have a deeper belief in a higher power. I am certain that my higher power loves me more than evidence is that I get to have Jonas. I write I am seeing that I have turned into a thirty something sitting in a coffee shop typing on my blog on my laptop. CRAAZY!! I am so blessed.

Ok.. off to do homework..which is the real reason why I am here in the first place. I am in week 7 of my online graduate school class. Geoffrey and I are going Monday to an open house for the Master of Social Work program and to tour the daycare center on campus. Jonas is going to stay at my moms monday-wednesday and then come to school with me thursday and friday. OH!!! That reminds me... Last Friday, Jonas and I went to a place called Squkid Fitness. Its basically a gym for kiddos. We went to a "music class". My expectations were that we would be playing instruments etc... but we were just led in song by a nice lady named Miss Sandy. Jonas was not able to focus, but really enjoyed being around the other kids. My plan is to go to the YMCA two days a week starting next week and one day a week at the Squkid Fitness place. The Y has a great daycare center, and I certainly could use the work outs.

Ok... really going to do my work now.

Be well everyone!

Thursday, October 4, 2007

An update and a few pictures

Grandma Mary sent Jonas this awesome trailer
so he could ride behind his daddy. This was his
maiden voyage and he did really well. I wish we
could get him to keep a hat or sunglasses on.

Doesn't it look like he just got caught
doing something he wasn't supposed to
be doing? He just got this chair and
loves to get in and out of it. (yeah he's pretty
much naked, right now I can't remember
why he didn't have clothes on.)

So this is what we do in our spare time. We all sit around
naked (with our sandals on, like good hippies) and
play our bongos!

Monday, September 17, 2007

Our maiden voyage

Well, we took Jonas out on his maiden voyage on our boat.

He seemed totally relaxed and enjoyed the wind in his hair.

His daddy was definately the happiest person on the boat though!

More pictures to come...

Friday, September 7, 2007

Slacker blogger

Ok..I have seriously slacked off with the blogging. I vow to blog one time per week starting today. Alot is going on here...Jonas is walking all over the place...he's so cute! He is also starting to talk. He very clearly says, "No!" Mama, dada, baby, bye bye and uh oh. He also knows sign language and can tell us when he wants more or help or that he is finished.

We took a big trip up north to visit family and was a whirlwind, but it was wonderful. I have a lot of pictures to share.

Also, I started Graduate school last week. Man, its only been 3 years since I was in school but my brain got a little mushy I think. I am only taking one online class right now but I start full time in January. I am already anxious about being away from Jonas while in my internship and at classes. SIGH. We will make it work!

Ok... off to do some laundry, we still haven't recovered from our trip out of town!

Monday, August 6, 2007

Pics as promised

Here are a couple of pictures from our playdate with the Guatemalan Family Group.

So here are a few pictures from our playroom

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Beware of juice boxes

Today we are going to our first playdate. Its being hosted by..uh..some strangers I met online! Sounds scary huh? I'll let you know if the guy from Dateline was there! Just kidding... I joined an online group of parents of children from Guatemala and today is our first playdate. I'm excited.. I've only seen Jonas with children two other times and he didn't seem too impressed.

Ok folks, so yesterday I almost drowned my son. This, I assure you, is not as bad as it sounds. We were at a gathering last evening and he was strapped in his stroller. I pulled out a small box of vanilla soymilk (like a juice box folks, but without the juice) and stuck the straw in and HOSED my son down...all over his face...directly aimed at his nose..he flailed all around...eyes closed, arms swinging around, I remember it in slow motion, it just kept going and going..I must have been squeezing the box..I really don't remember. I tried not to completely meltdown so I wouldn't scare him...he was fine. I need a few more days to recover.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Raspberries in the moonlight

Hi everyone! Life has been good here. Jonas is amazing, growing and changing everyday.

Our latest ordeal is sleep. We have come to the conclusion that he must have slept in the same room as his foster family. He falls asleep well but then when we leave the room, if he wakes he screams bloody murder. We consulted an adoption medicine resource and have some new tools to implement. Last two nights have been fabulous..he's slept in the pack n play in our room. He falls asleep on his own, no screaming and its wonderful. The night before last Geoffrey tried to put him down to sleep (which I know sounds scary because of what he does for a living...but know what I mean!!)...Anyway, I was sitting in the living room trying to read the new Harry Potter book. I turned the monitor on so I could spy on them (he he) and I hear Jonas blowing raspberries on his arm. He is REALLY good at it!! Anyway, I knew there would be no chance of rest anytime soon...but guess what??? I smiled and thanked the universe for the opportunity to be with this child. Pretty cool! I am loving my new family.

Monday, July 16, 2007

A few times around the block

Ok, we are officially parents! We did the put-him-in-the-carseat-and-drive-around-the-block-so-this-kid-will-go-to-sleep move. Worked like a charm....after the two hours of other ideas we had to wear him out.

Glad I got new tires!

Saturday, July 14, 2007

New shoes and a failed sleepover

Well, yesterday we ended up with two new pair of shoes. HOWEVER... within one hour of the purchase, my darling son...having his diaper changed by my darling husband... well,shall we say...he SOAKED his new shoes, and not in a good way. One of those you-took-my-diaper-off-at-the-exact-wrong-time moments. Wish I had been there to see it. I saw the aftermath...I had no idea that much..uh..liquid could be in a person that small.

This evening we attempted (yes, attempted) the first sleepover at Nena's house. Geoffrey and I went to meet with some friends, and then the plan was dinner and a movie. I called after the meeting with friends to see how things were going and I could hear Jonas screaming in the background. "Do you want me to come there?" "Uh, (long pause) no." I went there, he was not going to sleep in that house. I used all my best moves! So.. we split. No crying over spilled milk or failed sleepovers in our family. We'll try again another time.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Shut up's the dialogue tonight. "Honey, you could probably turn the water off now." "Nuh uh..its not high enough, its not covering his knees." "Hmph, I never let the water get that deep." "Well, I do everytime and its the best way so shut up!".

We are a little stressed... to your surprise (I am sure..) I am not the shutter upper. My darling husband is the shutter upper. I am the controlling the quanitity of water person.

We are a mess. We need your prayers/fancy dances/energy to get us through this.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Gotta go shoe shopping

So, today we went into work to visit the daddy and help out with some end of quarter busy work. There were several lovely ladies there who helped my little guy walk around. He had on some sandals (that I bought..before we went to pick him up). I saw him from a distance and THEY ARE TOO SMALL. I could never tell because he was always sitting down when I put them on and I am never far away enough from his feet to see his shoes..weird..I know. Ok..stop judging me..I've only been doing this for three weeks......OH!! HA!! Three weeks TODAY!

Anyway, Nena (my mom) Jonas and I are going shoe shopping tomorrow. Apparently, I am supposed to get my child shoes from Stride Rite. I was informed that I only wore shoes from stride rite as a child, and Geoffrey said that's all he wore..sooooooooooooo off to check out the stride rite selection at Dillards.

This kid is going to be sprinting with a good pair of shoes on... hmmm..maybe I better rethink this.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

First five steps

Yep, you've heard it here first...Jonas took his first five UNASSISTED steps today. I don't think he had any idea that he did it. I was sitting on the floor in the playroom, talking on the phone to the daddy and he stood up and put one foot in front of the other as I counted, one,two,three,four, FIVE. He then plopped down and played with is blocks. I had a feeling it was coming soon... we'll see if it happens again today, that would be fun.

Today was also our first, sit-outside-and-pluck-grass-and-leaves-and-sticks experience. There is a nice breeze, so I spread out a blanket, took a sippy cup and his favorite toy outside. He loves the wind blowing through his (rather unruly) hair. He knew the leaf came from the tree and kept holding it up, like he wanted to put it back. I think I'm going to break out my Pentax SLR and take some pictures of this child. There is something wonderful about the click of a "real" camera.

That's all for now.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

What I learned today

Today I learned that I can take a shower..(including conditioner, sans leg shaving...that really would have been pushing it!) in the amount of time it takes my son to eat half of a banana cut up in little pieces. I HAD to get out of the house today and really wanted a shower.... I rolled his highchair into the bathroom w/ the aforementioned fruit. Ta Da..clean mommy, full baby..and out the door we went.

Monday, July 9, 2007

Home two weeks

Home two weeks now. Life is everchanging and exhausting. Jonas is adjusting well and we are really getting to know each other. He is full of smiles and kisses..except for when he isn't! Here are a few pictures from around the house and a trip to the beach with our dear friends Larry and Mary.

We're home

So, its been awhile since I've posted. We went to Guatemala on father's day and came home on the summer solstice. The transition from the foster family went smoothly as did our embassy appointment and flight home. Here are a couple of pictures from our trip: at the pool at the hotel, snacking on the plane and one at immigration in Miami.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

He's coming home!

We found out yesterday that we got our "Pink Slip". This is our appointment to get Jonas' visa at the US embassy in Guatemala. Our appointment is Tuesday June 19th at 7:15am. We are leaving for Guatemala Sunday the 17th and come home Thursday the 21st.

This is such a huge relief...and it comes at a great time. Geoffrey's birthday was the 5th, and today the 7th is our 10 year wedding anniversary. June will be a month full of celebrations for all of us.

Thanks again for everyones support through this grueling process. We look forward to updating the blog w/ fun stories and pictures of Jonas AT HOME WITH US!

Thursday, May 31, 2007

"just keep swimming, just keep swimming"

Like Dory in Finding Nemo...
I've gotta , "just keep swimming". In the meantime,
here are pictures of my beautiful boy in the pool on my last visit trip.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Here we go again!

Today we are supposed to be resubmitted to the US Embassy for our "pink appointment". (a refresher) Jonas can't leave Guatemala and come to the US w/o an immigrant visa. Paperwork is submitted and then we are given an appointment date to acutally go to the embassy and file for the visa. The visa is issued the day after the appointment. According to my calculations, that last dates they gave out were around June 7th. I'm not sure what the holiday does to the dates..we'll see. Hopefully we will be notified of our pink appointment in the next few days!

Sunday, May 27, 2007

What now, you say?

We have what we need to be resubmitted to the embassy to get our Visa appointment. Because Monday is a holiday, we have to wait until Tuesday to be resubmitted. It seems reasonable to me that we will know his Visa appointment next week sometime. I expect to travel somewhere around June 10th. This is just my prediction...I have no idea what will really happen.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Just reminding everyone what we are waiting for!