Sunday, April 13, 2008

The party was great

Jonas's birthday party was a big success! He had a great time with some wonderful friends and family. He made out like a bandit in the gift department, but he's getting ready to learn about getting rid of (donating to charity) the amount of toys equal to the new ones he got. I don't know that he will understand that this year...but this will be one of our traditions.

My mom got him the "smash" cake but my lovely, sweet, well mannered boy demanded a fork to eat his cake with! (I was so proud)

The after cake-scream-like-a-banshee-run-around-the-house-like-a-maniac portion of the afternoon was probably my favorite part. There were only four kids in all two 3 yr old, jonas and a 14 month old (Jonas was the only boy). We will definately do an outside of the house deal next year so the running and screaming can be boundary-less.

I will post pics in a couple of days...wrapping up the last two weeks of school for the semester!!!

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