Sunday, December 28, 2008
Random Rantings
I enter the hallway in front of Jonas's (jonases..jonas'???) room.
I turn to look in the door and I see :
1. diaper on the floor
2. pj pants
3. pj top
4. empty toddler bed
5. one nekked guatemalan boy with a train hat on , lying on the floor wrapped up in a blanket.
Someone call for a nekked boy burrito? He was just lying there, sucking his thumb. "good morning mommy". Like... hey, this is our new christmas tradition... naked on the floor sleeping...didn't you get the memo?
It occurred to me today that I will have a 13 year old and a 16 year old at the same time. Can I please time travel to the future to remind myself to take my anti-depressants?
I bought my husband a dutch oven for christmas. I think that officially makes me the lamest wife in the universe. (does it make up for it that I bought him some AXE body spray? ) (no?...makes it worse?) Oh well.
Technically, I am five months pregnant (on paper) technically, I can totally have as much ice cream as I want. What? .. It doesn't count? But what if ... oh forget it.
Would it be wrong for me to.... oh nevermind. If I start the sentance with, "would it be wrong" it probably is.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Uh..I'm listening
Is that what little girls are like?
I thought I was going to dissolve like one of those alka-seltzer tablets right there in that glider.
I have been having a lot of anxiety about raising a girl. One of my friends who has three kiddos said. " I have two boys, and they are awesome. But having a girl.. its indescribable."
I guess we'll see!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Do they make light up shoes for grown-ups?
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Exciting news
Soooooo, as we all know, it takes a village to raise a child. It also (as we know too well), takes a village to afford an adoption.
I have added a paypal button to the sidebar of this blog. Seriously, I know you don't have any money...neither do we. But if you find some change in your cushions, consider sending it our way. It will go to a great cause! : 0 )
PS. I have video of Jonas saying, "I wanna be a big brudder", but I thought it was tooooo Sally Struthers begging for money, so I will just leave that up to your imagination!
Ok...I'm gonna go throw up now...or eat some pickles and ice cream...holy crap!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
My heart hurts and my tummy feels sick.
My God. This is unthinkable. Hug your children tight tonight.
The Azhderian Family still owe alot from the adoption of Josi. They just sent the last payment for Josi a few weeks ago of $12,800. This horrible tradgedy should never have to happen to any family and then have to end up paying for an adoption when their child will never come home to them.If you are like me and want to do something for this sweet family and do not know what to do, here is a wonderful way to honor precious Josi. They have a chip in button on their blog you can donate any amount to in Josi's name. I am praying that God will help them not have to worry about the financial end of this with all that they are going through right now.If you want to help me with the memorial fund for Josi please post this on your blog, spread the word to all your adoption friends, or you can send them to my blog. I think together we all can show our love to Azhderian family in their time of crisis. Chip in button is on their blog or click it below. I know money is tight but please help if you can.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Random thoughts whilst I avoid paper writing.
Jonas was sitting in his booster chair eating breakfast. G and I were rushing around packing lunches, making our own breakfasts and we both ended up in the same cabinet. We were joking around fighting over a protein bar...totally not thinking about how we sounded.
G: "Hey, I want that"
me: "No, its mine, I want it."
G: "mine, mine"
me: "gimme gimme"
Jonas: "HEY GUYS! You have to take turns, you have to share!"
G and I: hysterical snot out of nose laughter.
Jonas: "See, that's better."
The setting: Bedtime, Jonas's room
(not sure if I wrote about this or not)
Every night before bed, we read J stories. Regardless of which stories we read, we have to read Sam I Am. We have been doing this for about a year now.
me: "Ready for Sam I Am"?
Jonas: (head nod, thumb in mouth)
me: "I am Sam"
me: "Sam I Am"
Jonas: Gently touching my arm, "Let me try mommy, let me try."
Jonas: "that sam I am, that sam I am. I do not like that sam I am".
He went on like that for a page and a half.
me: "Would you like ...."
Jonas: Interrupting. " No mommy, let me try it. I want to read it."
and so it went. He got all the way to "would you like it in the rain" and the sleepy's took over.
One of the cutest moments ever!
The setting: Kitchen
Jonas places the red mesh hamper thingy over his head.
Jonas: "To infinity and beyond*" and runs around the kitchen with his "wings" out.
*Toy Story reference for those that are Disney impaired
Ok. back to work. Two more weeks of the semester, then I have a whole month off! wooo hooo
Monday, November 17, 2008
Canadians are pushy!
This video contains sugar free footage...believe it or not.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Pumpkin fever
Friday, October 24, 2008
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Mommy Magic
I parked next to G's truck and I walked, and then ran into the building. I entered the first room and turned right and ran right into my guys. Geoffrey was holding Jonas...G looked at me and said, "It's bad". I then noticed that Jonas was sobbing. I moved behind G so I could see J's face and it was bleeding. As soon as he saw me he held out his arms. I grabbed him and we walked out of the circus like space into the calm of the front room. My boy was sobbing, blood trickling down his lip, onto his chin. I asked for a wet paper towel. When J gets upset, he does this, head twisting thing that really sucks to watch. He is so present in his fear and saddness. I asked the woman behind the counter if she had any bubbles..I knew I needed for him to slow down his breathing. No bubbles. I pulled my hair out of my headband and had him blow my bangs out of my face. We did that for a few minutes and he calmed down. I knew I just needed to hold him till it passed. With tears still streaming down his face, he looked at me and said, "I'm happy Mommy."
I don't know what he meant. He was not scared anymore, he didn't want me to be scared. But what he said to me was this:
I got hurt and my mommy magically appeared. I am happy mommy...that you were here when I needed you.
Now, I know as well as you do that Geoffrey would have handled all of this just perfectly without me there. But that I got to be there...that I was led there...
I had a dream a few nights ago where Jonas and I were in a body of water. I saw that a shark was coming. I threw Jonas away from the shark and sucessfully averted any harm. Once I got to where he was and was holding him close, someone came by and cut him with a sharks tooth on purpose. I was distraught, so much so that it woke me. I sat up in the bed and began to cry. What is the lesson? I can do everything in my power to keep this child safe, but sometimes, bad things are just going to happen. I can be there to help heal the wounds.
I can only imagine that life will be full for this child. I cannot spend too much time thinking about all the ways to prevent him from experiencing pain. For me, pain was just one part of the journey to who I am now. Denying him the experience of deep saddness and moving through struggles would be a crime.
I just hope he remembers that when he is scared and hurt, that I will always be here to hold him till it passes.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Practical Parenting
Friday, October 3, 2008
A boy and his cat
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Communication Explosion
Tonight, I was filling the tub preparing for his bath; he was in the playroom. I yelled, "Come on Jonas, time for your bath." He responded, "Just a minute mommy." I SWEAR... I almost fell in the tub laughing. I managed to gather enough breath to say, "What are you doin'?". He pops his head around the corner... "I'm fishin'."
This video was taken a month or so ago while we were watching the Spiderwick Chronicles. Jonas was instructing something to "go away". I don't remember what.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Thursday, August 21, 2008
I know, more pictures please
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Oh, Hai
Luckily we have a pack n play set up in our bedroom for hasty storage of a toddler. We got him to fall asleep pretty quickly.
So, today I purchased a toddler bed and another baby gate. I have no idea how he is going to react to this bed. I am going to super duper toddler proof the room. I'll let you know how it goes.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Can you home school for college?
This child, this beautiful boy child of mine, is awakening into this VERY present, charming, free spirit of a person. There are these moments when Jonas does or says something and G and I look at each other and just shake our heads in wonder. I swear it is other worldly when he does these things..chimes go off and the picture gets all fuzzy like there is a weird filter on the lens of my life. (the following examples may seem trivial to many and glorious to few)
- Sitting at the dinner table, by dinner I mean mcnug's (thanks Jaden) as a snack before going to inflate world G tosses his cup into the trashcan and Jonas says ( I swear to Buddha), "Good throw dawdy!" (Dawdy is the new daddy for those not paying attention.
- Jonas spotted the letter "P" yesterday. G asked, "what letter is this?" Jonas replied, "P". "P. Sherman 42 Wallaby Way, Syndey". UH..What? OH! Yeah, we have watched Finding Nemo one or forty-two billion times, but still!
Ok, so both examples include either terrible nutrition or terrible parenting in the form of watching Disney movies... too bad.
Last night, while watching the Olympics, one of those (you know the kind) commercials came on television. This one showed the mom helping the daughter decorate her dorm room at college...and the mom had to leave the child at the school and go back home. (You mean they don't have the adjoining suite for the mother...uh... huh? Oh na'uh I will SO be living on campus with him.) I looked at G , shook my head and said OH MY.... he wouldn't even let me finish. He said, "we will not speak of this for this is not something we shall speak of." shew. Ok, good. Denial is my favorite form of dealing with the potential/inevitable growing up and growing away from me (that is totally my job to prepare him for and the entire goal of parenthood) that my child will do. UGH
Ok. I have pictures of all sorts of fun things. I'll get to it this week.
Thanks for tuning in.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Runnin' on empty
I am currently living in funky town. I am angry and depressed and majorly stressed out. My kiddo decided about two weeks ago that he will not sleep unless I am in the room with him. I feel trapped and powerless and frustrated; ineffective and overwhelmed.
I have come to the conclusion that I need some professional help to deal with this sleep situation. Its BAD. I have read that when going through developmental growth that they (kiddos) will regress in other areas, but this is CRAZY. When we leave him, he screams bloody murder. Whats worse, he can now say words. So he will scream PEE PEE POTTY, or MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMY. It makes me want to stick spears in my ears.
Additionally, I have realized that (as I wrote somewhere else) that I am attempting to pour water from an empty vessel. I cannot give and give of myself without replenishing and expect to be a sane person. So... I need to figure out how to "fill up". If you have any ideas, let me know.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Jonas' myspace photo
Getting the hang of it
Here's what I did:
I brought the portable dvd player (with the power source!)
I brought the Finding Nemo DVD
I brought apple slices
I brought juice boxes
I brought a box of raisins
I brought his stroller
I brought (SHUT UP) chicken McNuggets (thanks for raisin' them yummy chicks Jaden)
I got to the meeting early, asked if I could go into the room where we would meet to set up. I plugged and arranged and pushed play and my kiddo didn't make a peep for the entire hour. Well, except to yell, "SCAWY FISH" and "OH NO" and "DORWY".
PS. I know a really great financial planner if you have any money to plan for in a financial way.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Me: (he did? cool...uh oh! he read the blog)
G: Is there any particular reason why you want planet earth to think I am a wife beater?
Me: (uh oh)
G: Do you have anything you'd like to say on there that would alert homeland security about me, or the DEA? Could you go ahead and post that stuff right away?
Me: Apparently you have come across a post you did not enjoy. (cringe)
G: Can you delete posts?
Me: Well, I have to consult the managing editor.
G: (not amused)
Me: Yes.
Well, I've had my first lesson in Blogging 101: Your family may not appreciate the same level of transparency that you do.
HUH? You mean there are people who don't want their private stuff all strung out there like grannies panties on the clothesline? Hmph.
I wrote this post and my sweet husband isn't reveling in his moment of sarcastic glory. He is (understandably) concerned that you all think he is a monster. He took a risk and acted a fool and I basically paraded him around school with his pants down. So...Here is my public apology.
Sorry baby, didn't mean to hurt your feelings or make you feel like your privacy was violated!
I believe this boundary is one that many, many bloggers are learning to traverse (without a net) on the net. I will do my best to hold my pole straighter, or at least warn them if I'm gonna tell the whole planet their bees wax!
Friday, June 27, 2008
Twins on Tuesday
Right to business here.
G and I have decided to actively pursue another adoption..Domestic this time.
Well, in standard A-family fashion, I scour the internets for resources, contacts, etc... I put feelers out here and there and WHAM!! I get an email yesterday thatstates the following... " Would you be interested in 7 month old twin girls,please let us know asap." UHHHHHH HuH? Of course my dear husband (who obviously, and for no good reason, sees his wife as wonder woman) says, YES YES YES, that would be SOOOOOOOOOOOO awesome.
So I email the social worker back... we exchange a few emails, a phone call. ThenI hear, "Oh by the way, she's signing the TPR Monday, so you'll needto travel no later than TUESDAY."
I think, Tuesday of The week that is theCOMING week on the calendar in the month I am CURRENTLY living in, in the year of2008, on planet Earth?
Suffice it to say that we are not going to be having twins on Tuesday. There isNO WAY something that happens this fast can be the right thing to do. I am assuredthat there are other interested families and I need not feel guilty about not being ready.
So I guess the moral of the story is that we need to get our butts in gear and makesure we really mean it when we say we want to add to our family. Apparently, the universe is taking us VERY SERIOUSLY.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Get a spatula
J and I were in the playroom. I was sitting in the glider...gliding. He was playing with his kitchen set. He walked over to me and gestured to get up into my lap. I picked him up and held him for a few seconds, he turned to look at me and said..... ready? "I love you". Just like that, no prompting...looked me right in the eyes and then made his I'm-ready-to-kiss-you-now face. I gave him a smooch, said I love you too, and off he scampered.
I tried to hide from him that I was sobbing.
Who knew someone so small could make such a big impact on my life. This momma thing is good!
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Thursday, June 19, 2008
I stand up, grab him under the pitts and place his slippery hiney on the potty. I am squatting in front of him, holding him on the seat. He's looking down at "mr. winky"..... I'm looking at "mr. winky" and lo and behold.... dribble, dribble. I exclaim, "PEE PEE"..."Good job, you are such a big boy" He BEAMED! He reached over and flushed, I asked if he was finished and he nodded. As soon as his feet hit the floor he says, "More pee pee potty". I thought to myself, "self... this may be a on and off the potty game here....but if its not..." So I put him back on the pot. To both of our delight, a stream...yes folks, a stream. I shouted all the encouraging words I could articulate, he squealed with delight...a good time was had by all.
Watching him on the potty was really kind of intense. It made me think about how hard it is to let go. Seriously, he learned, in the tiniest way...that its ok to let go. Of course, his lesson was just about urine this time, but it was the first of many opportunites to let go he is going to have in his life. I hope to be a part of those lessons....maybe not so much in a I'm-holding-you-by-the-armpits-watching-you-pee kind of way, but an equally significant way. It was about letting go for me too. It hit me that my entire job is teaching this kiddo how to depend on himself... to not need me at all. I think this must be the hardest part of mothering; a part that not all moms do very well. I really want my kiddo to be independant and self assured, to take off running and not look back; trusting that I will be there when he turns around. (Sigh)
Later..much, much later after dinner etc.. I put one of those, smaller kiddo potty seats onto his toilet. We got toward the back of the house, to go get ready for bed and I asked if he had to go "pee pee potty". He squealed, YES!! So this time he had a seat with handles he could hold on to, which was nice...for both of us.
He did his business. I said, you know, you can poop on the potty too! Do you know, my child loves me so much, he squeezed out a little gem for me...right then. I was so proud... I swear I almost cried.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Happy Fathers Day
Friday, June 13, 2008
Mmm tasty, guess I'll pee on it now.
G and I went out to an awesome sushi restaurant... LOVED it, best sushi we've had in a while. What if when we were finished, to show our appreciation for this amazing meal, we stood on the table and peed all over the dishes. Seriously, what is the point?
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Mom, don't read this post
Me: hey, its stick up your butt
G: what
Me: Its stick up your butt
Me: disolving into hysterical, blackout inducing laughter
This is only funny if you know my husband. He removes worms from the sidewalk when it has rained really hard.
Please don't be what I think you are
My god, the human brain is well equipt for trauma, DENIAL was my first response, I flipped through the rolodex of possible substances, no way could that be what I think it is, I said aloud, "Please don't be what I think you are!" I flip on the light, OMFG you are what i think you are. Hands COVERED, fingernails caked, little mudpies everywhere, he was actively pulling apart a little nugget when I finally looked at his face. The first thing I did was look at his mouth and asked him to smile... I am pretty sure none of it went in, but we did brush our teeth, TWICE.
I like to think he's going to be a pathologist and he was doing his first bit of research.
So, I yell, "I'M HAVING AN EMERGENCY!!" I remove the child from the crib and place him directly into the bathtub. So... do you fill up the tub w/ water and let him soak in the poop water? Do you just rinse? So many choices! I ended up filling up, scrubbing, draining water, rinsing out tub and then filled up the tub again with clean water.
I called my sweet husband, detailed the events and his response was, "We will speak of this to noone!"
Yeah, right!
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
I know, I don't call, I don't write
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Latest dance craze
Its been awhile since you've seen
the fanciful stylings of
our solid gold dancer
in action.....Enjoy!
Monday, April 28, 2008
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Bounce much?
I saw a write up in a local-throw-the-damn-paper-in-your-yard-whether-you-like-it-or-not situations. It was amazing and Jonas had a blast. Too bad his fat out of shape parents were so fat and out of shape, because even grown ups can play!!! I swear to you there was this...this...monstrosity the height of the ruins in Tikal that my kid climbed up and slid down by himself . (ok, so it was only like thirty feet tall..but whatever, gosh!) He grinned and giggled for an hour straight. Yes there were squeals of delight and that crazy "girl scream" too. He was definately the littlest one there, but the other kids were kind enough not to squash him. The little girls kept helping him stand was so awesome. So after an hour we had to drag my exhausted kid out of there, ok, we were exhausted too. But we will soooooooooooo go back there, with some skinny, in-shape surrogate parents who will bounce and play with my kiddo till he throws up!
Yeah, yeah, I took pictures of that too, you'll just have to wait.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
I'm going to jail
I think they are done. Ok. good nite
Sunday, April 13, 2008
The party was great
My mom got him the "smash" cake but my lovely, sweet, well mannered boy demanded a fork to eat his cake with! (I was so proud)
The after cake-scream-like-a-banshee-run-around-the-house-like-a-maniac portion of the afternoon was probably my favorite part. There were only four kids in all two 3 yr old, jonas and a 14 month old (Jonas was the only boy). We will definately do an outside of the house deal next year so the running and screaming can be boundary-less.
I will post pics in a couple of days...wrapping up the last two weeks of school for the semester!!!
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
My baby is two, her baby is two
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Silly Sunday
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
No way is he gonna be TWO
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Friday, March 14, 2008
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Three things
2. Today he was riding on a wooden "hobby" horse thingy, he turned his head to look at me and smiled and said, "YEE HAW"!. I have NO IDEA how he came up with that.
3. Today we were drawing on one of those magnetic-draw a picture-swipe it away thingys. I drew a picture of a doggie.... "OOOOOH DOOOGIE". He erased it. I asked if he wanted me to draw another one, "YES". I draw another one, and he erased it. "MORE, MORE" I drew one more and this time, he starts to swipe/erase and he stops and waves and says, "BYE DOGGIE". I almost died..