Wednesday, December 26, 2007

My little epicurean

I am sitting in the playroom watching my kiddo play with his new kitchen. He is currently microwaving an orange celebrating that there is nothing in his fridge or dishwasher. He really likes to open and close the doors.

We went to the daycare center today for an hour. My plan is to go for an hour or so a couple of times a week until he starts full time on January 7th. I don't know if its good or bad, but its what is making me less crazy. It is weird seeing him as a kid among kids..he is so special to me and in that environment, he's just another little kid.

Our christmas day was very mellow, went to my moms. My sweet hubby fixed us all breakfast and then we opened presents. Jonas got some puzzles but the big daddy was this cool kitchen thing with all the fixins. He just loves it.

I think I am going to let myself off the hook about this blogging thing. When I don't keep up with it it bothers me. I can't imagine with school starting that I will be able to make it a priority. I will upload the latest batch of pictures before the weekend is over...then I may take a sabbatical from it. We'll see.

Hope your holidays were relaxing and without too much family drama!


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